Saturday, May 19, 2012

every child is special

Since it's saturday, meaning tomorrow is sunday, no classes! me and my brother decide to buy dvds. Then I saw a bollywood movie. I bought it because the I saw a familiar face, the lead actor of 3 idiots was also in this movie. The movie is "Every child is special". it was about a boy who has a dyslexia, but his parents views him as a naughty, lazy boy. The boy sees the letters dancing whenever he tries to read it and he has a difficulty in remembering spellings and even how to write the letters. This is not a movie review. So if you're searching for a movie review, close this tab, now! haha. kidding! :p
It was a long movie, I think it's more than 2 hours! Some might get bored watching it, but for me, I enjoyed the movie. It made me remembered the time when we visited pav 14 of ncmh(national centerr for mental health), it is for boys. Ishaan made me remember the boy who was crying that day which made me shed a tear. I was so touched by the movie. It made me understand more of my purpose in life. Mahirap iexplain yung feeling nung movie. pero ang alam ko masarap yung feeling! Must watch! was crying while watching it! Realized so many things. napulot ko sa movie: "You'll find your purpose in life where you find your happiness"

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